The Witcher: Blood Origin, the prequel spin-off of Netflix's The Witcher, has garnered a very poor reception from both the audience and the critics, who criticized the unoriginality, lackluster world-building, and, more importantly, the injection of woke and identity politics.
The fantasy show is currently the worst-rated Netflix and television series in history, currently sitting at a critical score of 33% and an audience score of 12%, despite being one of the top 10 most-viewed shows on the streaming platform until it was overtaken by the likes of Wednesday and Emily in Paris.
Ever since Henry Cavill's exit from the original series, The Witcher franchise has been in turmoil. Blood Origin recently landed itself in trouble after actor Nathaniel Curtis, during the premiere event for the show, stated that one of the reasons for fans to watch The Witcher: Blood Origin is:
"It has the first kiss between two men in the show."His response riled up many fans, with one calling the show "woke garbage."
Fans angered at the woke agenda of The Witcher: Blood Origin as the cast tries to get people to watch the show
Fans were incensed when one of the actors on the show, Nathaniel Curtis, who plays Brían, stated that fans should watch The Witcher: Blood Origin because it contains a kiss between two men.
Many fans of the show and The Witcher source material made their displeasure known by taking to Twitter and calling out the woke nonsense and forced identity politics.
"I can give you a thousand!"- The Witcher: Blood Origin cast give reasons to watch the show
Despite netizens calling out the show for its bad writing and unoriginality, the cast of The Witcher: Blood Origin is trying to defend their show by citing ten reasons fans should watch it.
The Twitter page of The Witcher posted a short reel of the cast members of The Witcher: Blood Origin, citing ten reasons why the show was great and why fans must watch it. Actor Joey Batey, who essays the role of Dandelion, began by saying:
"I can give you a thousand."Nathaniel Curtis praised his co-star, Michelle Yeoh, and her performance in the show and cited that as another reason to watch it. Huw Novelli, who portrays Callan, said that the show explores a time period in The Witcher world that has not been explored before.
Amy Murray, a deaf actress who plays Fenrik on the show, cited that her character, who is deaf and uses sign language, is another reason to watch the show.
Other cast members provided various other claims on why their show was good. Minnie Driver, who plays Seanchai, said that the action in the show is fierce. Francesca Mills, who plays Meldof, praised the show's costume design, saying:
"The costumes are divine. The make-up, the hair...bon appétit!"Nathaniel Curtis then concluded the reel by claiming that the show was made out of love and that it was really fun because of that.
The Witcher franchise is currently in a state of uncertainty and turmoil due to the ongoing spread of woke agendas and identity politics. Only time will tell if the Netflix franchise can get itself back on its feet.
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