What is a walkover in tennis? All you need to know about whether Sebastian Korda gave Karen Khachano

Posted by Artie Phelan on Thursday, June 27, 2024

Sebastian Korda's journey at the Australian Open 2023 came to an end after he was forced to retire during his quarterfinal against Karen Khachanov. This does not count as a walkover as it happened during the course of the match.

Korda reached the quarterfinals of a Grand Slam for the first time in his senior career following wins over Cristian Garin, Yosuke Watanuki, Daniil Medvedev, and Hubert Hurkacz.

He faced Karen Khachanov in the quarterfinals and the latter won a tight opening set 7-6(3). The Russian broke the American twice in the second set to win it 6-3 and take a two-set lead in the match.

Korda was struggling and it allowed Khachanov to take a 3-0 lead in the third set before the former retired from the contest.

What is a walkover in tennis?

A walkover in tennis is an instance when an opponent pulls out of a match before it starts, due to injury, illness, or other reasons. A retirement, on the other hand, is when a player retires during the course of the match.

The basic difference between a walkover and retirement is that walkovers do not count towards a player's win/loss record, while retirements do.

For instance, Rafael Nadal pulled out of his third-round match against Marcel Granollers at the 2016 French Open but still has a 4-0 head-to-head record against him.

However, Emma Raducanu retired in the third set of her second-round match against Viktoria Kuzmova in this year's ASB Classic. As a result, the Bulgarian now has a 1-0 head-to-head lead over her.

Sebastian Korda retired during his quarterfinal against Karen Khachanov due to a wrist injury

Sebastian Korda walks off the court after retiring in his match against Karen Khachanov

Sebastian Korda was forced to retire in his quarterfinal against Karen Khachanov due to a wrist injury. The American said in his post-match press conference that he felt some issues in his wrist during the Adelaide International 1 which went away before returning during the match.

"I think it got worse during the match. I hit one forehand return, and after that, it was almost tough to hold the racquet at times. I had it a little bit in Adelaide a couple weeks ago, but then it went away. During the matches, it was completely fine. Then just one kind of mis-hit return, and it started to bother me a lot of after that," Sebastian Korda said.

The 22-year-old also stated that he would get his wrist checked by a doctor and figure out what could be done.

"I have no idea. I don't know what it really is. I had it in Adelaide and then it went away completely. Now it just came back out of nowhere. I don't know. See a doctor right after this and figure out more," Korda said.

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