The name Izzy Moreno has been trending among fans. Set to make her wrestling debut, it seems Moreno has already achieved quite a bit of stardom. While she will have a taste of in-ring competition soon, Izzy is no stranger to the world of wrestling. In fact, her story is inspiring.
In 2015, Izzy Moreno was known for being Bayley's superfan. This was the same year The Role Model won the NXT Women's Championship by beating Sasha Banks at TakeOver: Brooklyn. While Moreno could not be a part of that match, she was ringside for Bayley's title defense against Banks at NXT TakeOver: Respect.
From being a fan of the product to actually becoming a wrestler, Moreno's journey is inspiring. Currently, at 16, Moreno will be making her pro wrestling debut on August 12th for Mission Pro Wrestling, a promotion run by AEW star Thunder Rosa. She will face Jazmin Allure in a singles match.
Ahead of her debut, Moreno uploaded a photo of herself in Bayley-inspired gear and expressed excitement about her upcoming bout.
While this is going to be Moreno's official debut in wrestling, in 2018, she participated in a bout that saw her score a pinfall victory. Moreno received criticism for the same.
Bayley sends a message to Izzy Moreno ahead of the latter's debut
The world of wrestling is not an easy place to succeed in, and making a debut at the tender age of 16 does not make things any better. Hence, ahead of the much-awaited debut at Mission Pro Wrestling, Moreno should seek all the advice she can get from the ones who have wrestled.
Taking to Twitter, Bayley sent a message to Izzy. The Role Model mentioned she breeds champions and also added she was proud of Moreno and warned her not to lose.
"If you couldn’t tell by this past Saturday at #Summerslam, I BREED CHAMPIONS. Enjoy every second of this weekend @ItsIzzyMania. I’m proud to see how far you’ve come. (Please don’t lose or I’ll disown you so quick)."Despite being a heel, this gesture by Bayley was heartwarming. Izzy Moreno was quick to take note of Bayley's tweet. In a reply to the Damage CTRL leader, Moreno thanked her and said she would get the win.
"Thank you for being my hero! I can only hope to inspire another person the way you inspired me….and yeah I’ll get that win!!"This exchange between Bayley and Izzy Moreno received a lot of love from wrestling fans on social media.
If the 16-year-old can put in the hard work and stay dedicated to the business, it won't come as a surprise to see her competing on Bayley's side in WWE sometime in the future.
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